Hi All,
To help with club communication we are going to do a club blog once a month on the website to share what we are up to. We will continue to share messages through emails and there is the club Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/upperhamblecanoeclub) for those on that social Network. Future blogs will have a theme to make them valuable to revisit.
So, 2023 has been quite a year for Upper Hamble Canoe Club:
10 trips away
12 trips to the Woodmill weir
Weekly sessions at the Barkstore
Summer Programme of Sea paddling from Warsash
Tuesday nights at Lakeside
Autumn Pool Sessions
Half a dozen socials over the year
Membership now stands at 250 people

So a very busy time and that does not include the events organised separately by members as Peer Paddles or get togethers. The club is going from strength to strength so now we can look to the future, we have run a couple of surveys to get opinions back on which way to take the club forward.
From those surveys the biggie was that people join the club for a “Challenge” and ways to “Develop.”
So for next year we intend to have more trips to provide challenges and add some variety.
Whitewater Trips for 2024
Exmoor 12-14 January 2024 - Barle/Exe - contact me for details (uhcc.vicechair@gmail.com)
South Wales 16-18 February 2024 - The Usk being the planned venue. The Penstar bunkhouse is booked again
Dartmoor 15-17 March 2024 - River Dart Paddlers Party weekend. Please arrange your own accommodation
April - Possible Surf Trip - Geoff to feedback on
May - Development Courses - North Wales
Summer - Back to the artificial courses

Sea Kayaking
Weekly Warsash sessions to restart in April 2024
Club BBQ - Planned for early Summer 2024
Lake Paddling/Development Sessions
Lakeside paddles are due to commence in May 2024
Personal Development
BC Development courses - plan to follow, with First Aid and course dates to TBA.
Review of club governance and comms
Let me know if you want to help on club trips. The more people who help, the better we can make it and the more we can look to see how we can extend the range of trips and activities.
In other news

LoveAdmin has an app that can be downloaded to ease club booking and payment.
The app will allow swifter access to:
Book events like pool sessions
Pay outstanding fees and check you membership payments
Update personal details- including any emergency contact details
View your membership card

Good Luck Lyn on your ski adventure. She disappears to the slopes of Europe later this month and will be back at Easter. Enjoy your time away and we will soldier on while you are away.
Enjoy the festive period and I look forward to seeing you paddling in the New Year.
It’s definitely been a more eventful year for the club , it feels like it’s come a live again. Thanks mostly to Jo and Lynn for organising so many events (so many you forgot to mention the Pool rolling sessions). Lots of ‘first time on this river paddles’ for so many. It’s been fun paddling with everyone, have a fab Christmas, see you on the water in 2024.